It’s not uncommon for dogs to assert their dominance wherever they go. No matter who they interact with, canines find a way to tell them who’s the boss.

With this, one adorable Chihuahua hilariously sits on its canine sibling whenever it gets the chance. Though fur parent didn’t teach the dog to perform such a move, the doggo purposely executes it to assert its authority.

Look at us, Dad.

In this entertaining footage, a brown-furred Chihuahua trots towards the far corner of their living room. At first, it seems the pup wants some alone time in the corner.

Yet, another brown-furred doggo appears in the living room. And, it seems the canine’s also headed in the same location where its Chihuahua sibling heads as it trots towards it.

On and on, the two dogs continue walking until they decide to sit on the floor. Without wasting any second, the pups assume their respective positions, with the Chihuahua sitting atop its canine sibling.

I’m the boss.

As soon as the pups assume their peculiar resting position, they gaze silently across the room. Suddenly, one can hear a loud guffaw from Dad, prompting the doggy pair to look at him with questioning gazes.

With this, the screen soon shifts to a picture montage depicting the countless moments where the funny canine siblings assume the same comical pose. Even if the Chihuahua’s spot-furred sibling lies on the floor to take a snooze, nothing can stop the pup from performing the same gesture.

With the way things look, the Chihuahua ensures to grab every opportunity to show Dad and its canine sibling who’s the alpha male in their pack. But, if you want to check out this funny doggo in live-action, feel free to click the play button in the video clip below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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