We all know how stubborn dogs can get. Our canine friends can try to bark incessantly or whine nonstop for you to relent and give them what they want. Sometimes though, they’ll try and act all cute and dopey to melt your hearts – only to snatch the very thing they want.

But, sometimes, this innate stubborn nature they possess isn’t enough for them to achieve their goal – even if they try hard to get it.

What’s wrong with my box?

In this funny video, one can see a sad-looking bulldog making its puppy-eye look at its fur dad. We don’t know yet for sure what’s happening, but it looks like the pooch’s box’s connected to it.

This adorable bulldog named Bo seems to have one “big” problem – he can’t fit inside his box. Probably he wants to turn the cardboard into a bed or something; thus, he needs his fur dad’s help on the matter.

However, as the video progressed, it’s clear to see that dad couldn’t help Bo – even if he wanted to.

Your box looks too small, Bo.

It turns out, the box that Bo chose to become his “bed” is too small for him. No matter how hard Bo tries to make some adjustments on the cardboard, still it can’t accommodate his humongous size.

In a desperate attempt to make the box fit him, Bo even gnawed on one side to make more room for himself. Talk about one stubborn bulldog who refuses to relent with the limitations set.

Soon after making the final adjustments, Bo gives the box one last try. He sits on it, hoping this time it’ll fit him perfectly.

Aww! The box’s still too small!

Though one can give credit to Bo’s determination in this matter, still it doesn’t change that the box just won’t fit Bo as he wants it too. The container is too little for him, so fur dad tries to persuade Bo in choosing another one.

It turns out; there are other boxes in the room that are larger than what Bo chose to sit on. However, it looks like Bo decided to use the one he’s currently sitting on, refusing to let it go.

Even if Bo’s already having a hard time balancing on the box, the pooch refuses to relent.

Do you think fur dad found another way to persuade Bo in taking another box? Try checking the ending at the video below.

Video Credit: Botheofficebulldog via YouTube


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