Robin Penderson Brazill is a gifted photographer. She’s also a devoted mother to a little girl and a little pooch. In a series of photos, Robin combined all the things she loves–her daughter, Raven, her dog, Jack, and photography.

The subject of Robin’s photo series is the beautiful friendship shared by her daughter and her dog. It’s a friendship as pure and innocent as flowers in bloom. And it’s quite wonderful to behold.

According to Robin, the day she and Raven came home from the maternity clinic, she knew her daughter and her dog would get along just fine. That day, Raven was swaddled in a cocoon of fabrics, wafting newborn smell. Jack could not get enough of his new sibling.

Jack stayed at Robin’s side throughout her pregnancy. After Robin gave birth, Jack could not contain his excitement. He was there from day one, and watched Raven grow.

When Robin was nursing Raven, Jack was always nearby. When Raven was learning to crawl, Jack crawled on the floor with her. When Raven was learning to walk, Jack walked with her, too.

Raven and Jack share such cherished memories together. This fact inspired Robin to immortalize the special bond the two share. The result is an endearing photo series that defies the supposed limits of love and loyalty.

The photo series has a lot of standout frames. These standouts include Raven and Jack reenacting the iconic scene from the movie Lady and the Tramp, Raven and Jack participating in a quaint tea ceremony, and Raven and Jack as Batman and Robin. Yes, these photos are beyond adorable.

Robin named the collection The Story of Raven and Jack. That’s a straightforward name for a rather simple but uplifting story. The entire photo series is featured on her official website.

Thanks to Robin Pederson Brazill


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