benibeny (CC0), Pixabay

Riptide is a Golden Retriever and he is quite serious about working out and getting fit. He does go out for walks on a regular basis but for him, that activity is not enough so he can meet his fitness goals. He wants to be active and he wants to be healthy. To do that, he decided that being more physical is the way to go and that is why he decided to join workout sessions.

Riptide is a dog from California and he is quite friendly. Socializing is not a difficult task for him and it does not matter if he is with a large group of humans or with just an intimate number.

One day, he was in a room with a lot of people who were doing some workout exercises. This made him curious about what these people were doing and wanted to try it out himself. And that is what he did!

When he saw the people in the room go down on the floor and do bicycle crunches, Riptide did the same thing!

In due time, Riptide was so used to copying the exercises that he sees people do that doing them is not a difficult thing for him any longer. He would naturally do all of the movements quite well that he has become a pro at it.

Everyone in the room was really amazed at what Riptide could do. After all, they were all sweating like crazy and they were already on the verge of giving up. But when they saw Riptide do what he could do, they became inspired and motivated. If a dog like Riptide could do the exercise, why can’t they?

Not all dogs can do the things that Riptide could do. And Riptide just shows everyone that he may be a dog but he surely can do those exercises because he wants to! People should follow Riptide’s example to get fit, healthy, and active.

Source: Humor And Animals


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