Wobbler’s syndrome is a condition that affects a dog’s neurons resulting in the limbs becoming useless. The condition is commonly seen on large breed dogs. The disease is characterized by the compression of the nerve roots. When this occurs, the brain will no longer be able to transmit ‘messages’ to the body resulting in limb paralysis.

It is what happened to Athena, a Doberman that belongs to a recently married couple. Sadly, Wobbler’s syndrome is a common condition affecting Doberman pinchers, Rottweilers, Irish Wolfhounds, basset hounds, and Great Danes.

The newly married just came from a blissful honeymoon.  But their lives soon changed after coming home to a helpless Athena. They took their beloved pet to the vet and were informed of Athena’s condition. The couple was also told that Athena’s condition is bleak. If after three months she was still unable to walk or move her limbs, then she would probably never walk again.

The couple immediately took it upon themselves to care for their beloved Doberman. They were dedicated to nursing her back to health. But as the months went by, there was no improvement on Athena’s part. But after four months, a miracle happened. Athena defied all odds. Watch the video below of Athena’s incredible

You can see the love and devotion this couple showed their beloved pet. They gave her plenty of love and hugged her whenever she needs one. The couple’s zeal in helping Athena survived her disease resulted in Athena’s full recovery.

What a beautiful story of love and affection. We can learn a thing or two about this family.  They showed that nothing and no one could make them surrender and give up on each other. I can only imagine the happiness all of them felt when Athena took her first step after being diagnosed with Wobbler’s syndrome.

Source Kevin Gleeson via YouTube


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