doanme (CC0), Pixabay

We are all aware that our pet dogs defend us and protect us. However, occasionally, our pets are the ones in need of rescuing. As their closest friends, it is our duty to assist them in any way imaginable when something untoward occurs. They have been faithful to humans since they were tamed and we should give back to them.

On the east coast, Hurricane Florence caused an estimated $24.23 billion in damages in 2018. People lost their lives and their houses, and even our pets were affected by this severe storm.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an animal rights organization, learned about a dog that a woman found at her own house in North Carolina, which was a fortunate break for the dog. As PETA employees approached, the dog was observed pacing on the front porch.

Uncertain as to who owned this dog, what mattered now was that she was saved. She was left on the porch for an extended period of time without food or warmth. At that point, the PETA employees in the region decided to take her with them.

The video became viral not only because the dog was saved, but also because of the dog’s reaction. The smiling and obviously relieved yellow Labrador met her savior with gusto. Her tail was wagging madly, as though she were greeting her owner, who had just arrived home.

The dog was ecstatic that her owner had arrived to get her. Perhaps she had a pleasant smile on her face since she recognized she no longer needed to suffer. Plus, the feeling of being with someone familiar made her really happy.

During Hurricane Florence, numerous canines were abandoned by their owners, who either panicked or were unable to remove them. Volunteers and animal welfare organizations walked into the dirty floodwater to assist these sad creatures.

Source: Inside Edition


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