TC-TORRES (CC0), Pixabay

Stray dogs will search for food wherever they can. They will use their noses to sniff out food from every nook and cranny in order to avoid starvation and death. This proved to be the poor decision for one stray pit bull.

Animal rescuers discovered a stray pit bull named Pickle sporting a unique headgear. Pickle’s head had become trapped inside a plastic jar. Rescuers suspected that Pickle was sniffing the interior of the jar in search of food, which may have led to his eventual entrapment. It was not a good situation to be in and Pickle had to get the necessary help as soon as possible.

With his head sealed inside a jar for four days, Pickle was unable to eat or drink. Pickle needed assistance desperately or he would starve to death. Pickle, who was lurking in the bushes, was apprehended by animal rescuers, thankfully.

The officials of animal control who rescued Pickle were able to remove the jar from his head. The jar was one of those plastic canisters containing cheeseballs, which likely smelled delicious to dogs. After Pickle was rescued, a local animal rescue organization assumed responsibility for him and is working to reduce his fear of humans.

The cute pit bull is one step closer to finding a permanent home with a loving family where he will never have to scavenge for food again. Pickle is such a lovable puppy that he would have no trouble finding an adoptive family. Pickle adapted to his new surroundings at the shelter and continued to make improvements.

When Pickle understood he was finally in a safe place with people who would adore him, he lost his fear and began to reveal more and more of his true nature. Adopting a dog as lovely as Pickle would be a no-brainer for anyone.

Source: The Dodo


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