A friendship between a mammal and a reptile is so unlikely in the animal kingdom. But two adorable souls prove that nothing is impossible when it comes to companionship. Who knew a rescued tortoise named Larry would find a best friend in the form of a Golden Retriever named Cricket?

Their story began one afternoon when a woman named Christine Hill and her kids visited an animal rescue center. They noticed Larry, an African spurred tortoise, being bullied by larger tortoises in their enclosure. According to the animal center keepers, it was just normal behavior from the said species. Christine could not help but feel sorry for Larry, so she asked the keepers to bring the reptile home with her. After all, Christine fosters a lot of rescue animals.

The center agreed to the proposal and allowed Christine to take Larry home. However, the tortoise had trouble adapting to its new surroundings. Not letting his guard down, Larry kept running. Christine had to deal with broken fences for the African spurred tortoise weighing as much as one hundred sixty pounds kept ramming to it, attempting to escape.

Christine decided to coax Larry inside their home. Inside the house, Larry finally met the family dog – a young Golden Retriever named Cricket. The love connection was instant! According to Christine, as soon as Cricket saw the stressed tortoise, he approached and comforted him. It is as if the dog knew that the reptile was in distress.

 What happened next amazed Christine and the whole family. Larry, the tortoise on high alert, finally relaxed! The two animals were inseparable since. Larry and Cricket would do everything together – eat watermelons and lettuce, play, and even ride the skateboards!

Christine was relieved that the tortoise finally settled and felt comfortable in an environment. She said the Golden Retriever’s presence contributed well to Larry’s adjustment. The tortoise also learned to interact with the other rescue animals and even with Christine’s family. With Cricket by his side, Larry is finally happy.

credits: @fozzcook via Instagram


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