Puppies are adorable. This is why people are drawn to adopting puppies instead of adult dogs. However, there are times when puppies are born with certain conditions that don’t make them adorable in the eyes of most people. These puppies are often abandoned because they don’t know how to take care of them.

A dog named Abby was surrendered by her owners when she was still a tiny puppy. Abby’s owners just placed her inside a box and surrendered her in an animal shelter. Abby was in terrible shape and was found to have skin issues, which was probably why her owner abandoned her.

Abby was covered with blisters all over her face, and no one knew why. Abby was scared, and she was shaking when she was rescued. Thankfully, a woman named Dina Ho decided to take Abby in as a foster. Dina saw that Abby had the will to live, and she wanted to do everything she can for little Abby.

black, dog, pup

The first two weeks under Dina’s care, Abby wasn’t getting better. In fact, Abby’s blisters got worse, that it was so painful that Abby refused to be touched by Abby. Abby stayed in her kennel and cried. After a series of tests, the vets determined that Abby suffered from a rare form of skin disease.

After finding out what caused Abby’s skin condition, she started getting the right type of treatment, and her skin improved. Abby also felt a lot better that she started coming out and played with the other dogs. Abby’s playful and sweet personality started to shine, and Dina couldn’t help but fall in love with little Abby.

Dina couldn’t be prouder of Abby. Despite all the pain and suffering that Abby went through, Abby still showed everyone that she’s happy and content with her life. Here’s a heartwarming video showing Abby’s will to live and how her foster mom gave her a chance to become a happy dog.

Video Source The Dodo via YouTube


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