Going on a hiking adventure means we always need to be aware of our environment in general, especially when it comes to wild animals. All outdoor enthusiasts know that they have to stay away from wild animals for their own safety. However, there are times when hikers encounter something out of the ordinary, such as abandoned domesticated dogs right in the middle of nowhere.

A couple named Katie and Brody were hiking out in the desert and were planning on a day of climbing. While camping below the canyons, Katie and Brody kept hearing what sounded like coyotes. They weren’t really worried since coyotes only attack small animals for food, but they were concerned that the sound didn’t stop well into the morning.

The next day, Katie and Brody headed to the climbing area near the canyon walls when they heard what they presumed to be coyotes again. When Brody looked up, he saw two little heads popping off the canyon walls. Brody was so excited to see the coyotes, but at the same time, Brody thought the coyotes looked a little weird.

dog, cavalier king charles, cute

That’s when it dawned on him that the two animals on the canyon weren’t coyotes at all. They were dogs. One of the dogs even had a collar on, which meant that someone owned them. Concerned that there might be a trapped climber, Brody and Katie both called if anybody needed help. Nobody responded.

Brody and Katie now assumed that the dogs were left there by their previous owner. Eventually, Brody knew that he needed to rescue the dogs. Thankfully, Brody has plenty of climbing experience and figured out to make his way to where the dogs were. Brody was careful not to scare the dogs, and to his surprise, the dogs were extremely friendly and trusting.

Brody brought plenty of rope to make a safety harness and line for the dogs when rappelling down the cliff wall. Brody eventually made it down to safety with the two dogs. Katie named the dogs’ Meatball and Parmesan. Brody and Katie have no clue how long the dogs were stuck on the side of the cliff. All they knew was to give the dogs food and water, seeing that they were so thin.

dogs, nature, sun

Katie and Brody decided to abandon their climbing plans for the day to bring the two dogs back to an animal rescue facility. Brody and Katie weren’t able to take the two dogs they rescued with them, and they were a little disappointed, but they knew that Meatball and Parmesan wouldn’t have any problems finding their forever homes.

A few weeks after Brody and Katie rescued Meatball and Parmesan, they got a call from the shelter informing them that both Meatball and Parmesan could find their forever homes. Brody and Katie couldn’t be happier for the two dogs they rescued, and it’s a memory that they won’t soon forget. Here’s an amazing video showing Brody climbing up a steep cliff to rescue two trapped dogs in a canyon.

Video Source The Dodo via YouTube


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