vlaaitje (CC0), Pixabay

Puppies are cute. This is lots why of people choose to adopt puppies over adult dogs.

However, there are puppies that are born with conditions that make them less attractive for the majority of people and that’s why they are often abandoned by their owners.

Abby’s owners gave her up when she was a young puppy. They just placed her in a box and turned her over to an animal shelter. Abby was in awful condition and was diagnosed with skin problems, which is likely why her owner abandoned her.

The puppy’s entire face was covered in blisters, and no one knew why. She was terrified and trembling when she was given up.

Thankfully, a woman named Dina Ho volunteered to foster Abby. Dina recognized that young Abby had the will to live, and she wanted to help her with everything she needed.

Abby did not improve throughout the first two weeks of therapy that Dina gave her. The puppy’s blisters even became so painful that she refused to be touched. Abby remained in her kennel and would cry because of the pain. Veterinarians determined after a battery of testing that Abby had an uncommon sort of skin condition.

After determining the origin of Abby’s skin issue, she began receiving the appropriate medication, and her skin improved. Abby felt so much better that she began going outside and playing with the other dogs. Abby’s quirky and endearing personality began to emerge, and Dina could not resist falling in love with her.

Dina could not be more pleased with Abby. The puppy surely showed everyone that she is happy and pleased with the life that she has now despite having endured much pain and suffering. She is a great source of motivation for everyone that despite any difficulties, with the right support, one can overcome them.

Source: The Dodo


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