Horlick is a dog who suffers from separation anxiety. His owner decided to help him with this problem by getting him a friend, a kitten named Hero.

At first, the cat was hesitant, but he eventually warmed up to Horlick, and their relationship blossomed from there.

Now Horlick and Hero do everything together, from sharing meals to sleeping in the same room. Their owner left them home alone to test whether the kitten could help the dog cope with separation anxiety. Fortunately, it seems that Hero was able to help Horlick relax.

Dogs can suffer from separation anxiety just like humans. It is typical for dogs to experience anxiety when their owners are gone, especially if they do not receive enough attention or if they are left alone for a long time. Separation anxiety can be a serious problem for some dogs, but there are ways to prevent it.

If you know that your dog suffers from separation anxiety, then you might want to do these few things to make him feel more comfortable when you are away from home. You can take him with you on errands or when you go out with friends. If you cannot take him with you, leave him in a room where he feels safe and comfortable, such as his crate.

This will help him feel less lonely and stressed out when he’s at home without his owner around. When you leave your dog alone, always keep toys and chew bones around him; these things will stimulate his mind and keep him occupied while he waits for your return. You might want to ask someone you can trust to watch and feed your pet while you are not around.

You may also try to find a dog walker or bring your pets to a daycare center, where they will be able to play with other dogs and humans.

You can watch the full video here.

Credit: The Dodo


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