It’s not every single day that your best friend would jump in front of a ten-inch knife to save your life. That’s what Finn did.

David was a policeman, and Finn was his canine partner. They have been partners for over seven years and know that being in the force has its risks. Sometimes, it’s a man’s life that is at risk.

While on duty one day, someone tried to stab David with a ten-inch knife. Finn jumped in front of him and ended up being stabbed instead. Finn saved David’s life while risking his own. Finn was fighting for his life in the hospital because of the incident.

Seeing Finn on the brink of death broke David’s heart. David was there with Finn as a support system . David would lie there on the hospital bed with him. David wanted to be by his hero’s side, and thanks to an amazing medical team, Finn survived.

Because of what happened between them, the two have a profound connection. Because of this connection, they can communicate and understand each other well.

That’s what these two presented on stage at Britain’s Got Talent. It was a magic act that was very successful. They asked one of the judges to write a word on paper and show it to Finn. David was going to guess what the word was, and he did.

They asked another judge to pick a word out of a notebook. Once he did, he was asked to check Finn’s collar. It was the same word that he picked out from the notebook. The whole act was impressive and astounding.

But anyone you ask can tell you that the real magic was the bond between these two. The magic was Finn’s love for David, who was willing to risk his life for his best friend. That’s what real magic is.

Source Got Talent Global via YouTube


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