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Priests play an essential role in society as preachers of God’s Word. One priest in Gravatá, Brazil, took his role to a new level. Aside from spreading God’s love to the people, he also decided to extend this love to furry beings.

Father Joao Arujo Gomes preaches at Paroquia de Sant’Ana Gravatá in Gravatá, Brazil. While there’s no doubt that he’s been passionate about his calling, he also realized that people and animals must feel God’s love. And the animal that badly needs someone’s help in their community is none other than dogs ー, stray dogs to be specific.

His passion for helping needy dogs in their community started when he saw hungry and stray dogs eating leftover cookies from the Mass. Moved by these dogs’ condition, he began to feed and take care of them, and little did he realize that it would be the start of a new journey for him.

From helping the hungry dogs he first saw, he eventually opened the church to accommodate and care for more stray dogs. His efforts have grown so much that his parish now provides medical help, especially to abused dogs and those who have serious health problems. They even offer veterinary services when necessary.

After months of passionate efforts, the parish has already adopted 96 stray dogs who are now enjoying the church’s care and love. Not only that, but the parish also provided a foster home in their rectory to give these dogs a safe place to live, which is a far cry from the environment these canines used to endure in the streets.

These dogs surely must have felt the love of God when they were saved from the streets and given a new chance in life. Thanks to Father Gomes’s efforts, the dogs who once endured the hardships on the roads can now live the life they truly deserve.

Source: PadreJoao Paulo Araujo Gomes via Facebook


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