Living on the streets is tough for pups. With no human to look out and care for them, they had to fend for themselves. Thanks to our fur friends’ innate skills to dwell in packs, some homeless pups have found some comfort in the company of other dogs as they wander around in the streets. But aside from giving each other company, these street pups also defend each other.

In Shijiazhuang, China, a rude and cruel man messed with the wrong street pup. The story started when a man kicked a stray dog to move away from a parking space he wanted to park in. The hurt pup didn’t fight back and just walked away from the cruel man. What the man didn’t know was that the dog was about to let him pay for kicking her.

Later on, the pup came back to the parking lot, but she didn’t come alone. With him were two other dogs who were part of her pack. And as if giving her pup friends a signal, the two pups approached the cruel man’s car and started to damage it. With the man nowhere in sight, the trio went all out as they wrecked his car.

A passerby who saw what was happening took photos of the pups as they bit and clawed the car. By just looking at the damage the dogs made, anyone would assume that the cruel man had to spend lots of money for his car’s repair. It serves him right for kicking an innocent pup. When the passerby uploaded the photo of the stray dogs on social media, many people were quick to take the dogs’ side.

One commenter on Facebook said that no one should ever abuse an animal and that the man deserved what happened to him. Pups who dwell in packs will do anything to protect each other. Because of the environment street pups have to survive in, they are known to be protective and sometimes aggressive, so it is up to us to be patient and understanding towards them.

Credits to CGTN


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