Pexels (CC0), Pixabay

This is the story of a dog who proved that love, loyalty, and dedication to his owners must not end inside the four corners of their home. These traits must be present wherever their owners are, even in a different environment. And in the case of this Golden Retriever, his loyalty towards his owner extended to school!

This dog’s name is Griffin, a Golden Retriever service dog tasked to look after Brittany Hawley, who was diagnosed with Complex Pain Syndrome at 16. This condition causes her muscles to contract without control, which causes affected body parts to twist involuntarily. And this is the reason why Brittany used a wheelchair throughout her years at Clarkson University in New York City.

But this condition didn’t stop Brittany from pursuing her dreams. And with her passion, she had a loyal partner who helped her every step of the way: Griffin. This service dog has been her everyday companion and helps her with day-to-day tasks inside the university. Griffin made up for the limitations caused by her condition and made her life more convenient despite using a wheelchair.

Brittany got the 4-year-old Griffin from Paws4People on the same day she earned an interview at Clarkson University. Since then, Goldy has become a loyal companion to her.

But Griffin didn’t only provide Brittany with daily assistance but also a daily motivation to go on with life. Every day, he fills her with hope, love, and compassion, which Brittany needs to keep going. He was always at Brittany’s side to ensure she would be provided assistance. GRIFFIN was there for classes, lectures, group study sessions, faculty appointments, and research projects.

That is why, because of his impressive dedication to helping his owner, Clarkson University’s Board Of Trustees rewarded him with exceptional recognition.

On graduation day, after Brittany received her diploma for successfully finishing her Occupational Therapy degree, Griffin also received his diploma! This particular diploma was given to him as a recognition for being a loyal, dedicated, and loving companion for his owner. And indeed, Griffin deserves this special recognition.

But for Griffin, there’s nothing more essential than providing all the love, care, and assistance that Brittany needs.

Source: blhawley06 via Instagram


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