ulleo (CC0), Pixabay

Jenny Desmond and her colleagues from the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection Sanctuary, which she and her husband operate, were passing by the highway one day. The woman stopped when she noticed that there was dying dog by the roadside and she saw that it was alone and wasn’t getting any kind of help.

She is no stranger to rescuing creatures in peril. She has assisted owls, grasshoppers, and chickens, among many others. Jenny has always had a profound regard for the life of animals.

The rescued dog was severely malnourished and balding. It was quite frail and had numerous open sores.

Jimmy, the husband of Jenny, is a veterinarian, and he checked the dog upon its arrival at the sanctuary. He did the best he could to help the animal recover.

One week was all it took for Snafu the dog to start to grow back its fur. His neck was wrapped with a plastic cone to expedite the healing of his wounds. The Desmonds and their staff lavished him with affection and medical care which greatly helped the dog.

As he grew stronger, the chimpanzees accepted him into their territory. They handled Snafu well. They soon were the ideal example of a healthy interspecies relationship. Love was abundant, and Snafu recovered even faster.

Since January of 2016 when he arrived, Snafu’s life has improved dramatically. However, Jenny and Jimmy frequently traveled to separate locations. Eventually, they decided to place him with a family where he would feel valued and cared for and would always be around for him.

Thankfully, Jenny’s sister volunteered to adopt Snafu. In December of 2017, Jenny traveled to Colorado with Snafu where he now has a permanent, loving home.

The love he has received is a very important reason why he now has a lot of love to give to everyone. Life is indeed a miracle!

Source: Their Turn


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