Since becoming brothers, Spanky and Roman have been inseparable. They would do a lot of things together all throughout the day.

Spanky admires and respects Roman. He follows Roman wherever he goes and mimics his big brother’s actions.

Jackie Rogers, Roman and Spanky’s aunt, described Roman as Spanky’s security blanket. She also said that Spanky, being the clingy sibling that he is, would ensure he is always by Roman’s side. And Roman appears to like the fact that his younger brother follows him everywhere he goes.

A few weeks ago, Roman began to experience discomfort. His ear began to become swollen and it seemed infected, so their mother rushed him to the animal hospital for a check-up. There, they discovered that the dog’s left ear had a hematoma.

Roman was scheduled for surgery, but he had to wait a few days before the procedure could proceed. While they waited, Roman’s ear became worse and he was also becoming very uncomfortable with it.

Spanky was unaware of what was happening to his brother. As Roman’s condition worsened, however, their family noticed that Spanky became much more worried and kinder with him.

Their family brought Roman back to the veterinarian to confirm that he could still wait five days before the surgery.

Spanky rode along in the automobile, but COVID-19 regulations prevented him from entering the clinic. Until Roman returned, Spanky continued to bark and howl for the entire twenty minutes Roman was in the clinic.

When the surgical date was determined, Roman should only relax.

When the entire family of Spanky and Roman was at work, a camera was set up so that they could check on the dogs, especially now that Roman is ailing. Jackie observed something heartwarming while monitoring the footage. Spanky was seen looking after Roman.

Concerned about his brother, Spanky hauled a bed towards Roman, as if to tell him that he should rest there. Spanky delivered the bed so he would not have to move. Spanky even laid down next to his brother.

Spanky remained at Roman’s side while Jackie still hasn’t arrived home. He ensured that Roman would not feel lonely or uneasy.

Source: Jackie Rogers


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