Pet owners know that their dogs cannot speak about what they really feel. Their pets will just show it through their actions to display their true emotions inside. They wag their tails faster if they get excited. Slow tail wagging can mean they are anxious and being observant with their environment. The movements of their ears can mean something as well. If it is upright, this means your dogs are alert and active. If it is in a downright position, your dogs might be afraid of something or someone.

As humans, we can easily express our thoughts not just by our actions but also through words. We laugh when we are happy. Our eyes will sparkle when we get excited. We cry when we are in pain. And of course, we clearly speak our minds through our voices. And it is easy for us to voice out our opinions, motives, and feelings to others by speaking.

In this particular video, the little girl is wailing her heart out because she has tantrums. And the dog expresses her concern to this little girl by simply giving her a hug. The dog doesn’t know why the little girl is crying but she provides her comfort by hugging her. Sometimes, we can extend a helping hand not just by saying a word but just by giving the right gesture. The hug from a dog stops the little girl from crying.

The Corgi family named Dooey, their pet, as the “tantrum stopper”, because he always gives comfort to the little girl whenever she is throwing her usual tantrums. All he does is give the little girl a hug and she will eventually stop crying.

Watch how Dooey gives his comforting hug to the little girl on this endearing video below:

Source: gstrou86 via YouTube


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