When a puppy is taken home and grows up without other canines around, the pup’s learning about what dogs typically do is limited. Puppies learn from their parents and their siblings, and the reality is that many small dogs grow up without a canine companion. Such is the case with Lowe as his human paw parent nurtured her.

A dog can learn

The video of her “learning how to howl” uploaded to the YouTube account of her owner, hughnibley, shows that dogs can easily mimic the behavior of other canines. The owner tried to teach Lowe to howl and failed terribly. To solve the problem, this pet owner used a learning tool that we often use, too.

The learning tool

He placed Lowe on the couch. Beside her was an open laptop. What was showing on the computer made Lowe reply with a grunting howl. The dog took one good look at the screen and listened, and that taught her what to do!

A dog video

What was showing was a video of a dog howling. It was a Labrador Retriever that was repeatedly belting out long, mournful cries. Why did this dog of a different breed copy the howl of a lab?

A common language

Dogs understand each other’s howls and other sounds like barks even if they are of different breeds. They have a common language, no matter how unalike they look. The pack behavior of a dog is inherent in them, and they will respond to other dogs.

Lowe learns

This dog learned quickly from his video tutorial. Lowe stretched his furry neck to let out a howl. His voice breaks a bit, his pitch low, and he tried to extend the sound for as long as he can. The next video clip plays to feature another breed of dog who is howling. The voice of the dog in the video was loud and clear, prompting Lowe to respond.

An effective method

Though Lowe’s first few howls seem to be out of tune, it is because she is still at the learning stage. This intelligent owner did what he could to make up for Lowe’s lack of canine companions. Using a tutorial video was an effective method, and his dog learned how to howl.

Source: hughnibley|YouTube


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