Robert Altermoser is a Bulgarian with a strong desire to help stray dogs. He traveled around Eastern Europe, helping at dog shelters and moving from one to the next.

He decided to work as a rescuer full-time after saving some money. He then returned to Bulgaria and founded his own group.

Robert has witnessed numerous dire stray dog situations. But it’s possible that the rescue of a house full of chained-up dogs and puppies is his most tragic to date.

When Robert spotted several canines entering an abandoned structure, he realized the awful plight of the abandoned pets. He was well aware of the situation. In Bulgaria, there are various abandoned buildings, and he knows that dogs frequently seek sanctuary there.

He went inside after the dogs to see what he needed to do. When he entered the structure, he was definitely taken aback by what he saw.

Several dogs were chained to the wall, abandoned by their prior owners. Puppies were also scurrying around. The dogs appeared to be both hungry and afraid. They were not aggressive, thankfully. Robert made the decision to devise a strategy to help them.

First, he went to the police station and informed them of his intentions. He desired to enter the buildings and save the animals. He’ll take them to his shelter and foster them while searching for people who are willing to adopt them. The cops were in agreement.

Robert and his colleague, Neal, returned to the abandoned building, armed with a boltcutter. They took the puppies out first, then cut the mother’s chain. They encased them in cages and returned them to their sanctuary. They returned and released the rest of the dogs one by one. They also took them to their sanctuary.

There, the dogs were fed and given medical attention. They slept in crates at night and go for walks and run around in their ten-thousand-meter yard in the morning. The dogs are now happier and in nicer living quarters.

Some of the puppies have already found homes. Hopefully, they’ll all find permanent homes.

Source: The Dodo


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