An enduring adage says that curiosity killed the cat. However, it may also get a dog’s head stuck in a bottle. This is what happened to a puppy in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Thankfully, a team of firefighters was able to free the poor pup quickly. After that, the adorable dog might have realized that being curious could get him in trouble.

The puppy’s dilemma

According to an informative release shared on Facebook by the Chattanooga Fire Department, a police officer took the puppy to one of its fire stations after finding him with his head stuck in a large bottle. To free the pup, the firefighters scrupulously cut the lower part of the bottle with a saw.

The Chattanooga Fire Department also uploaded some pictures of the rescue. One picture showed the police and the firefighter holding down the dog while the other firefighter sawed the bottle. Another firefighter was on standby.

In the next two pictures, you could see the dog already free. One of those photos even showed the dog cuddling with one of his heroes.

After the rescue, the unnamed puppy was then taken to a local animal shelter. The staff immediately put him up for adoption.

The Facebook community rejoiced the pup’s freedom!

Animal lovers in Chattanooga shared their gratitude for the firefighters’ rescue efforts in the post’s comments section. One commented that what the firefighters did was a great job. Another thanked the rescuers and even said that they rocked. A third Facebook user suggested that the dog should be named Jarhead – a name that was tough like a marine but also a moniker with a meaning, which in this case was the pup’s dilemma.

One woman in the comments section revealed that she adopted the rescued dog, and she named him George. The Chattanooga Fire Department uploaded a photo of George, which was sent to them by the dog’s adopter.

Image Source: Chattanooga Fire Department via Facebook


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