A dog named Tasa was saved by another dog named Bella from a vicious attack by a pack of coyotes. The owners of both the dogs were neighbors.

The neighborhood friends Tasa and Bella are inseparable, and just recently, they proved that they indeed are best friends.

Bella’s owner William Cobb told reporters that both the dogs had a powerful bond, and whenever Bella used to see Tasa playing in the yard, she would immediately start whining so that she could join her pal.

The canine friendship was tested on Thanksgiving Day when Coyotes attacked Tasa, and Bella passed the test with flying colors when she was able to protect her buddy and save her life.

The surveillance cameras recorded the whole incident that took place at around 2:30 in the morning. Tasa can be seen running into the pool while trying to escape from the coyotes. She then tries to get into the house through the backdoor to save herself, but the door is locked. Tasa then runs away towards Bella’s yard.

Bella, a 116 pound Dogo Argentino did not let her friend down and protected her from the coyotes. Tasa’s owner Spencer William thinks that Tasa could have suffered pretty badly from the attack if Bella had not acted as her guardian angel at that time. According to William, it was only because of Bella that Tasa survived.

Williams told reporters that Tasa did not come out of the incident totally unharmed and did sustain some injuries. Tasa’s paw was swollen up pretty severely, and the inner part of her thighs also had tooth holes.

Micheal also believes that things could have turned out to be pretty bad for Tasa if Bella had not been there.

Tasa was prescribed pain medication and antibiotics and is currently on her way towards a full recovery. Both William and Cobb have alerted people in the neighborhood to the presence of coyotes in the area.

Image source: Screenshots from a video via Click2Houston


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