Studies have shown that just like people, dogs have unique personalities. Sure, there will be a couple of similar traits that are shared between our furry friends, but at the end of the day, every dog is different. Dogs are known to have quirks that make them goofy and adorable; sometimes, it helps save their lives.

Meet Oliver; an adorable pup who used to call Memphis Animal Services his home. They got a call from a lady who reported that this little pooch was wreaking havoc in her backyard. They brought Oliver to their shelter and was going to put him up for adoption once he’s ready. During his first couple of days in the shelter, the staff recognized that Oliver was a smart and well-trained dog.

He loves eating; so much so that after he cleared his bowl, he would carry it around with his mouth. One of the staff members noticed this and gave Oliver extra food, thinking that he must still be hungry. It turned out, he just simply likes to carry his food bowl all the time. This is how he earned his name, Oliver, inspired by the classic movie.

When Memphis Animal Services posted on Facebook that Oliver was available for adoption, they included his little quirk in his description. This peculiar behavior actually made Oliver stand out, and people took notice. The shelter’s post about Oliver’s availability was shared 687 times on Facebook.

Oliver needed all the publicity he could get because his adoption deadline was fast approaching. If he didn’t get adopted after his deadline, they would have to euthanize him. On his deadline day, two ladies showed up to adopt Oliver. They saw the Facebook post and fell for the pooch right away. They showed up just in the nick of time! As a parting gift, the shelter allowed him to bring his food bowl, so he could continue playing with it, in his forever home.

Credits: Memphis Animal Services


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