Banu Cengiz is a pharmacist and an animal lover living in Turkey. Besides rescuing her own beloved pet from a difficult street life years ago, she’s also maintaining a little oasis for every homeless dog right outside her pharmacy. While she may be unable to provide a forever home for each of them, this is Banu’s way of giving and caring for the stays.

Banu built the oasis not to be famous but to help. She never wanted to gain much attention out of it. But apparently, word spread itself among the strays in the neighborhood.

Earlier this week, while Banu was on her shift, she spotted a dog outside the pharmacy. Rather than rest on the comfy beds, it was standing and waiting right by the store’s entrance. It wasn’t just acting like the rest so Banu welcomed the pup inside and realized something was wrong.


The poor dog had a small lacerated wound on her left front paw and it was bleeding. Evidently, she needed some help and knew just who to approach. Banu, having a naturally kind heart, was happy to provide the help the pup needed.

Watch that sweet moment in this video:

With some antiseptics, Banu cleaned the pooch’s wound and stopped the bleeding. She then administered some antibiotics to help prevent it from being infected. And the entire time, the dog seemed to understand that the pharmacist had nothing but good intentions so she stayed still and made no complaints.

“After I was done cleaning her wound, she laid down,” said Banu. “It’s like she was thanking me. And she was saying, ‘I trust you.’”

The pup stayed at Banu’s pharmacy for the rest of the day.  She gave her some dog food and clean drinking water to help gain her energy and strength back. Somehow, the drug store became the sweet pal’s recovery room even just for a little while.

Credits to Twitter @Badores


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