Everybody loves bubbles. That’s a fact no one can deny. No matter the age or one’s status in life, one cannot help but marvel and look in awe at these spherical floating objects.

Though it’s not clear what makes these bubbles a hit among the young and the old, it’s good to note how such simple things bring a smile on one’s face.

But, it looks like dogs can get some form of enjoyment from these tiny bubbles as well.

Oooh! So many bubbles!

Now and then, we get the chance to witness how dogs take enjoyment from various objects in our environment. Be it as simple as jumping on a pile of leaves or catching a Frisbee; one can smile and laugh at how our canine friends love doing even the most mundane of things.

And, for a well-loved Border Collie/Shetland Sheepdog named Marley, bubbles are his life. We can speculate all the different reasons behind this dog’s obsession, but we’ll never know unless we continue to read below.

In the video, one can see how Marley loves chasing and popping all the bubbles that his fur dad produces. Bouncing up and down or running all around, Marley’s energy never wavers as long as he gets to pop all the bubbles he sees.

I love popping bubbles!

Just like a child, Marley eagerly chases all the bubbles away, to the point of popping all of them. Sometimes, even if his fur parents manage to produce only a bubble, the pooch still wouldn’t let it go and pop it like the others.

But, what makes Marley’s bubble popping so unusual is his on-point accuracy. It’s as if Marley possesses a laser beam that directly points at his target. No matter the distance, no matter their position, Marley’s bound to hunt and pop every last bubble that floats in the open air.

But, Marley’s love for bubble chasing and popping stems from a sad part of his past.

I miss my family, that’s all.

Behind Marley’s jovial and adorable nature lies a troubled past that could leave you in tears a few moments later.

Four years ago, Marley ran out from his house into the freezing night in a desperate attempt to look for his old family. It turns out; it’s Marley’s first night with his new family after they adopted him from a local shelter where his old family dropped him off.

Probably overwhelmed from the sadness he’s feeling, Marley headed off into the night in search of his old family. But, this action eventually led into a near-fatal accident which left the pooch severely injured. Thank goodness, his new fur parents managed to find him in time.

Perhaps, popping bubbles is Marley’s way of expressing the joy he feels with his fur parents. If you want to watch Marley’s adorable hobby, click on the video below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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