No one had ever described Nellie as a fearless dog. Words such as shy, fearful, and protective were usually used to define him.

However, all those descriptive words changed when Nellie encountered a fight with a rattlesnake as she and her master were on a walk in a plaza.

When Nellie was about one year old of age, rescuers from a volunteer-based group took her out from an animal shelter in Texas. Unluckily, she was passed from house to house for many years until she met Taylor six months had passed.

The first time she met Nellie, Taylor shared that the dog was slightly fat that made her so adorable. They even called her a small potato sack. However, it was not her real shape. Therefore, they began doing rounds of runs and Nellie now already weighed 45 pounds.

Also, when she arrived at Taylor’s house as her temporary shelter, Nellie was afraid of loud sound, new faces, and strange creatures.

She was possessive of her toys and hesitant when another person touches her. However, with the help of Taylor, Nellie started to embrace her new home environment.

One sunny day, Nellie did something showing how much she is grown.

Taylor said that they went out for a hike, and after their trek, on their way going to the vehicle, they were crossing a place that is not usually passed. She did not notice the snake until she heard it, so she stopped walking and then screamed.

Taylor also added that Nellie immediately ran to the snake and she was already on top of it. The struggle did not last long when Nellie was bitten on the face. A companion on the hike threw his coat over the rattlesnake and then moved the twisting creature away from the wounded dog.

Then, Nellie was not moving and did not want to walk. Therefore, Taylor and her companion carried the doggy down the hill. They immediately brought her to a veterinary clinic for immediate treatment.

Nellie was given two bottles of antivenom and antibacterial for the treatment of the bite injury. She is healing fast because of the rapid actions of everybody involved.

Nellie is now already on the stage of recovery, and she is well-prepared to take the next phase of her life, that is, to find a permanent home.

Taylor will forever be thankful to Nellie for her heroic act. She believes that Nellie can have a good future if somebody will give her an opportunity.

Here is a video below that shows the touching story.

Video credit CreepyWorld via YouTube


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