The previous nine months had been complicated on this doggy named Brindle. Brindle’s human father, JD Aument, had been working abroad as a fireman in the Army Reserves. So, Bindle has been missing his master very much.

Rachel Marie Aument, the wife of JD, shared that Brindle was unfortunate if JD is not around. She also added that Brindle loves her, but she is not his favorite buddy.

Before JD took Brindle for adoption several years past, he was one of the unhappy shelter dogs who was looking for someone who could be his friend. Then, he found JD a true friend.

From that moment on, Brindle and JD were very close. However, it ends when JD was employed last year.

Also, Xander, the other dog in the family, felt sad for not seeing JD around. But, Xander is more close to JD’s wife, so apparently, it is not difficult for him to deal with the problem. On the other hand, Brindle continued in a state of heartbreak.

The lonely puppy has been waiting for any hint of his father. Until one day, he received one. JD had made a symbol of love and care on his dog to be delivered home via mail: JD’s shirt that is unwashed.

When Brindle received the gift, he instantly knew that the shirt belongs to JD. Aument was even weeping as she was taking a video with Brindle’s reaction.

In that simple idea, JD was back home. And indeed, Bridle was even happier. After the video, Aument said that Brindle took the shirt on the bed and slept beside it the whole day.

Instead of making Brindle carry the shirt everywhere to feel near to JD, Aument discovered the best solution. She dressed Brindle in it.

But luckily, Brindle does not need to count on the shirt any longer. He does not know that JD will be back home in just a matter of a month.

Here is an excellent video that shows the touching video.

Video credit Luv Ur Pet via YouTube


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