If we love someone, they say that we don’t pay much attention to time. Dogs are lovable creatures and most of us grew up with them. Sad truth is, time passes by and your best friend Fido also gets old, same as you.

If you have a small pup, good for you because they have a longer lifespan compared to large breeds. When a dog is getting more years, he might not be able to perform as well as before. Then, what are the indicators that your dog is old already? To help you out, I sorted 4 indicators that will tell if your pup is already in his senior years.

Gray hair

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This might sound crazy but dogs are getting gray hairs too! They are prominently evident around the muzzle and face but you may also see it in random parts of the body. Grayness of hair should alert you that your dog is now getting highly susceptible to physical harm and it’s highly suggested to pay a visit to your veterinarian to make a plan for your pup’s diet and activities.

Joint pains

Observe how your dog walks. If your dog starts limping out of the blue without any known injury and he is giving a sharp cry when he walks, it’s possible that he has been suffering from joint pains. You might see him moving disorderly so you must have him checked by a vet.

If the vet rules out arthritis, then that’s a relief but if it is indeed arthritis, you have to educate yourself about your dog’s condition. Your vet may prescribe some medications or supplements to relieve his pain but still you must accept that his physical body may not be able to tolerate long hikes or other strenuous activities anymore. It’s still important for your dog to exercise to have a healthy weight so measure his capacity to tolerate activities like his morning walks.

Difficulty to eat

Dental problems like broken or damaged teeth can keep your dog from eating his food. Contact your vet immediately so you will know what is the cause of the issue. Vets can sort out what needs to be done to his teeth so he can start eating again.

Another issue is the gradual loss of their sense of smell and taste. This can lead to loss of interest in food since they aren’t enticed by what’s before them. If this is the case, try to put a little more seasoning to the food.

You may also want to consider switching to another brand of dog food. The main goal is to ensure that your dog is well fed and they get all the nutrition their aging body needs. It’s best to talk to your vet when it comes to his diet and nutritional needs.

More sleeping hours

jack russell, dog, old

If your dog looks like he’s been lazier than before, keeps on sleeping more than the usual, don’t get mad. Your dog must be entering his golden years. Wake him up gently and go for a walk since they need some activity. This kind of sleeping-beauty rest is a sign that his body needs more time to re-energize.





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