Employees of this shelter have found this bulldog puppy in the worst condition of all the dogs they have had so far. The puppy was deformed, his legs were a mess, and he had only one nostril.
He was much smaller than a puppy of that age and with very restricted breathing. Buggy couldn’t sleep, and everyone thought this puppy wouldn’t live long.

french bulldog, iris, eyes

But no, this puppy was a survivor and didn’t give up. He had nostril surgery, and when he woke up after the surgery, he had a new dog, – Buggy.
After he could breathe and sleep regularly, Buggy was no longer the same puppy as before. Buggy played, ran with other dogs, and enjoyed his new life.

Buggy’s new mom

After that, this story gets even better; Buggy gets his new mom – Melissa. The puppy traveled to his new home for three days but finally arrived.

english bulldog, bulldog, smile

Buggy adored his new mom and settled in the house. He didn’t want to separate from Melissa and didn’t even let her leave the house without him following her.
Then Baggye’s goofs started. He loved to lick Melissa’s hair, even enforcing the law around the house. One of Melissa’s dogs, Winston, weighs 175 pounds.

dog, bulldog, pet

Buggy, incomparably smaller, could fit in Winston’s mouth. But he doesn’t know it or doesn’t care, and he continually chases and bothers Winston.
Buggy plays with him, jumps at him, and even takes things out of his mouth. But, at the end of every day, they remain best friends. Winston put up with that, and he never hurt Buggy.

french bulldog, dog, sleeping

On the first day, he came to his new home and got a box where he slept, The Buggy Box. But there is one exciting thing about that box.
Whenever he goes to sleep, Buggy bites and starts sucking on it and remains to sleep like that every time.
“Don’t miss out on the inspiring story of a courageous yet playful dog. Click on the video below to witness his journey and experience his contagious spirit for yourself.”


Source The Dodo via Youtube


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