Despite cats and dogs being genetically predisposed to hate each other, these two fur babies can be the best of friends. With proper training, a cat and a dog can put in place a peace treaty that can last forever. Nowadays, it is common to find homes where there are cats and dogs living under one roof.

But what catches our attention is when one of them protects the other. In Tampa Bay, Florida, this is exactly what happened in the Lewis household. Sherree Lewis has a cat named Kitty, and her son, who was on tour in Afghanistan with the military, has a pet dog named Jack.

Sherree looked after Jack while her son was deployed overseas. Fortunately, Kitty and Jack got along very well, and the events that took place that fateful evening proved that Jack cared for Kitty a lot more than people thought. Sherree was walking towards her backyard when she heard Kitty yelping.

She looked around and noticed that her cat was being attacked by two coyotes who showed up out of nowhere. One had kitty by the neck, and the other had its mouth on Kitty’s tail. Sherree was frozen in horror and did not know what to do. Luckily for them, Jack came to the rescue.

The pup fought off the two feral creatures, and they got spooked by the dog’s presence. They ran towards the mangroves by the lake. Sherree said in an interview that she never knew Jack could run so fast, as he seemed to be a super chill dog. After the incident, Kitty was brought to the vet, where she received some treatment.

The community hired a trapper to catch the coyotes as more reports of attacks popped up. But until they get caught, Jack will be as vigilant as ever to protect his home and the creatures living in it, and that includes the cat. We hope this will serve as a reminder why we should always keep our pets indoors, especially the small ones.

Credits: FOX 13 News – Tampa Bay


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