A stray dog with scabies all over his body was alone on the roadside of Madera Ranchos in California. His skin was scaly, and some scruffy black hair on his back stood straight. Given how the dog looked, he must be in great pain.
People had no idea what he was and were too afraid to come close. From then on, he was known to be the roadside werewolf.

For several months, one day after the other, hundreds of vehicles passed by the sick, injured, and starving dog, but none pulled over to help. He was hanging by a thread – until his manna from heaven came.
Bowe’s Adoptable Rescue Pups Founder Megan Bowe learned about the dog, later called King, and wasted no time. When she looked at King, she knew that the werewolf was otherwise a very ill German shepherd.
Bowe brought King to the vet, who gave the dog emergency care. Among the lengthy list of King’s diagnoses were a bad case of scabies, a rigorously broken tail, and a fragmented pelvis. The vet estimated King to be no more than one year old & was most probably hit by a passing vehicle.
With the help of a veterinary team, Bowe nursed King back to good health. It took several months of hard work – tons of medications, surgeries, and continuous physical therapy – to finally see King fighting back to live.

Several months later, King was ready for adoption, and a family had been watching his progress and cheering him all the while.

Tiana Bisbee and her family had become King’savid fans of King and were hopeful of bringing him home as an addition to their pack of three dogs.
“We’d never seen any dog in such a bad shape as he was. I had been watching his progress, so that’s when we knew we wanted to meet him”, said Bisbee to The Dodo.
Shortly after their first encounter, the Bisbees took King home as an official pack member. King learned from Bisbee’s three girls how to become a dog—barking at strangers, running, and playing in the yard.

Bowe couldn’t be happier with King’s happy ending, so she threw him a party when he got adopted.

King endured so much during his first year, more than any animal should suffer, but now that he’s with his caring and loving family, he sure has many great things ahead of him.

Photo Credits to Bowe’s Adoptable Rescue Pups


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