Dogs are among the world’s most loyal creatures to exist. Having the title of “man’s best friend,” it is not surprising that they stick with their humans for life even when one has already passed away.

Leonardo and Fulmine were the dream team, the epitome of how close humans and dogs can get. The little dog lived with Sara Sechi’s dad for seven long and happy years, staying in the Italian countryside and enjoying each other’s company.
Sechi described their relationship as “affectionate” and full of their “mutual love for cuddling.” Unfortunately, Fulmine and Leonardo’s time together has come to an end.
Following a long struggle with disease, Leonardo’s lifeline was cut last February 2021. His family cared for Fulmine while he was in the hospital, and it was clear that Fulmine missed his best friend terribly.
Leonardo was resting, and the dog continued searching for his mate. Fulmine did not know that Leonardo was gone from the world- all he knew was that his best friend left him and he would see him again soon.
The family finally found him in one of the most unexpected ways possible.

Sechi and her son went to the cemetery the day after Leonardo’s funeral to lay more flowers at his grave. When they entered, they were astonished to see that someone new had arrived. Fulmine had marched almost two miles from the countryside, all by himself, to where Leonardo had been laid to rest.
Even without attending the funeral, Fulmine somehow knew that his best friend moved and finally stayed in that permanent resting place. To say that Sechi’s family was astounded would be an understatement. After all, who ever expected that a dog, who was hopeful of getting his human back and did not attend the funeral, would know where his best friend lay in peace?

Until today, Fulmine’s heart is sometimes filled with longing for the human he spent most of his life with. However, it’s a feeling that he’ll never have to deal with alone again. Sechi has brought Fulmine in to live with her so that they can all mourn together and, soon, build happier new memories as a family.

Image Source: The Tennessee Tribune


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