Winter is one of the most magical seasons ever. While there are things that most people look forward to during winter (like Christmas and hot chocolate with marshmallows), what makes the season breathtaking is the snow. It’s no wonder why dogs love playing even when it’s cold outside!

One such fanatic of snow is the Siberian Husky named Buster.

Frolicking and playing outside, even when snow continues to fall, is one of the things that he loves to do in the world. His love for the cold makes it a real challenge for his owners to get him back inside the house.

Buster’s parent, Michael Kapusty, even likened the adorable canine’s love for winter to that of a dolphin in the water- pouncing and diving to their heart’s content.

Though it may seem as if Buster is a stubborn dog- and he is!- he doesn’t understand why he has to compromise on one thing that makes him happy.

To say that Buster was ecstatic about the year’s first significant snowfall would be an understatement. However, his enthusiasm for running around and playing in it was cut short when Buster saw his grandpa shoveling away the snow in front of their house.

Upon noticing this ultimate betrayal, Buster sat down on a mound of snow to keep his grandpa from taking every bit of the magical white substance away from him.

The Siberian Husky was a loyal and determined knight ready to protect his small snow castle. Even when it was time for his grandpa to shovel away the section that he sat on, Buster refused to move.
The fierce Buster knight guarded his tiny bit of snow until his grandpa shoveled away everything around him. Upon seeing that he was the only section left, Buster realized that he finally lost the battle and allowed his grandfather to take away his mound. Of course, as his grandpa was doing so, it is evident that he had his “disappointed” face on.
However, Buster’s sadness was short-lived as he saw more snow outside. He wasn’t doomed to a snowless playtime in winter, after all!
The dog’s determination rivaled even that of a child who wants to play outside. Truly, Buster is one of the many dogs who love snow.

Credits: Michael Kapusty via Healthy Happy News


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