It seems like fate has its own ways of bringing two souls together who need each other.

Nick Abbot from Maine, United States, is a deaf man who adopted a deaf, visually-impaired puppy named Emerson and taught him sign language so they can better understand each other.

The pooch, named Emerson, is from North Florida Rescue (NFR). He and his siblings were taken into the shelter when they were just eight weeks old. They’ve been suffering from seizures, and he was not able to drink or eat. He also developed a serious parvovirus.

Thankfully, Emerson survived the worst, but his health is still not at its best. Because of this, he had a hard time getting adopted while all of his siblings around him are taken one by one to their new homes.

When Emerson was 12 weeks old, Nick came to the shelter. Emerson came straight to him and sat right away at his feet as if telling him, “I’m picking you, human.”

Nick knew right then that they were meant to find each other and that they would understand each other, given that they both have the same impairment.

He decided to officially adopt Emerson after reading a Facebook post from NFR, saying that Emerson was still looking for his new family, and all of his siblings were already adopted.

So he reached out to the center. He said he’s interested in adopting Emerson, and he thought they were a good match since they both have hearing difficulties.

Nick then started teaching Emerson sign language so they could communicate with each other.

Whenever Nick signs the letter ‘S,’ the pooch would sit. A straight line sign would mean he needs to lie down on the floor.

Well, we hope that this heartwarming story will inspire others to become a dog’s savior, just like Nick.

Thank you to our friends over at Lad Bible for sharing this story.


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