Several people have special needs, promoting the need to acquire service dogs. These types of dogs perform particular assignments as they serve unique individuals. They are not just pets, but they are in for a mission.

We can take a closer look at some of the service dogs that perform specific duties for people. Undoubtedly, they offer outstanding services.

Guide Dogs

walk, man, dog

Are you blind or visually impaired? Don’t despair, especially when you want to take a walk. There are dogs with specialized services to guide you.
Common breeds that perform such assignments are Golden Retrievers or Labrador Retrievers.
Using a dog to guide visually impaired people started in the ancient Roman Empire. These dogs wear vests or special harnesses, which have handles.

Diabetic Alert Dogs

Such dogs are responsible for alerting to any chemical changes in blood sugar. The scent that comes as a result of hypoglycemic events is delicate for human beings to smell it. On the other hand, these dogs will naturally detect it.
Any alert will prompt the human companion to test his blood. After that, the beneficiary can take proper action to control the sugar levels in the blood. Furthermore, these dogs will inform others within the house whenever their human requires medical assistance.

Seizure Response Dogs

Do you have an epileptic case in the house? Seizure response dogs are suitable to serve in such situations. The dogs react by barking to alert others to help the victim.
Alternatively, they press the alarm whenever the person is under seizure.
As if that is not all, these specialized dogs can assist one in evacuating an unsafe place. Interestingly, they can bring the victim medicine and a phone to facilitate further communication. It is always exciting to have one around.


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