Like many young boys, Bryson Klieman loves toys and games. His favorite is collecting, trading, and fighting Pokemon cards, a highly-popular trading card game. The eight-year-old kid from Virginia would spend hours battling with his friends. His other favorite activity is spending time with his pet, Bruce.

But when it came down to it, Pokemon was only second best to his puppy.

Raising funds

One day, while Bryson was organizing his cards in their living room, he noticed his pup was still in his crate and was barely moving. Usually, the young dog would come running to him, showing affection.The boy tried calling his pet to come over, but the animal ignored him. The little canine was unresponsive when he coaxed him out, and he seemed lethargic.

The boy got worried, and he told his mom, so they quickly brought Bruce to a clinic. The vets diagnosed him with Parvo, a lethal and highly contagious canine virus. The cost of treatment was more than 700 dollars, and their family couldn’t afford it.

Bryson knew their financial situation and decided to take matters into his own hands. The very next day, without telling anyone, he placed a sign outside their home advertising the sale of his precious card collection. His mom was shocked when saw what he did. She knew how passionate his son was about Pokemon.

Bryson’s mom took a picture of him and his sign and posted it online, asking people to help his kind kid. Soon after, she also started a GoFundMe campaign to raise 800 dollars. The donations began pouring in, and they more than doubled their goal.

Bruce got his treatment and was soon showing signs of progress.


The Pokemon company heard about Bryson’s sacrifice and was moved by his love for his pet. They said he was an inspiration to many children and should be commended for his selfless act. As a reward, the company sent him several Pokemon card decks to replace those he had sold already.

Bryson said he appreciates the gesture and is happy his pup is back home and they can play again.

Source: Kimberly Tyler Woodruff via Facebook


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