French Bulldogs Haru and Griffin are living the ideal life. They have doting parents, a cozy home, and all the toys they could ever want. They go to places that give them and their owners joy. And in this video, we see the dogs go on their very first boat ride.

The dogs were already happy with the life they lived, so they were pleasantly surprised when they were treated to a boat ride, something they have never experienced before. Haru and Griffin didn’t know what to expect, but all of their worries disappeared when they set foot on the boat.

These French Bulldogs were decked out in matching outfits – striped sweaters and matching orange leashes to boot. Even their grins matched when the boat began its journey. They sure looked adorable and ready for anything, and we bet they were thankful to their parents for the experience.

Doggos love to live in the moment, and it’s a trait we humans should adopt. I believe doing so will help us live with less worry and can make us more appreciative of what we have.

Haru and Griffin probably couldn’t care less about what they don’t have because that’s how dogs are. They focus on what they have and thank their benefactors for it. Sure, they could be a handful sometimes, but these Frenchies are a thankful pair.

We don’t know what these dogs thought as they cruised along the man-made lake in the middle of the city. What we do know is, they had a blast, judging from the grins on their faces. They behaved like they were captains of that boat, and we sure could see their potential there.

They howled and barked their appreciation and curiosity, and we bet people found them amusing and adorable. They certainly have the appeal and with their matching grins, they sure turned heads during that unforgettable boat ride!

Credits to Griffin Frenchie via YouTube


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