whitedaemon (CC0), Pixabay

One of the skills that we must master is the art of survival. We must always be prepared to fend for ourselves because we do not know when we would not be able to get help from anybody.

Obviously, there will be moments when we need the attention of a trustworthy and cherished individual. Because of this, an especially possessive Bulldog began to whine to its father about his lack of attention. He simply just wanted his fur dad to give him the attention that he so desperately wants to have.

In this video, a beautiful Bulldog sat obediently in the corner of a carpeted space. In contrast to most dogs, which would have barked ceaselessly to draw their owners’ attention, this dog was calm.

The dog then stared at the camera with a despondent expression before barking angrily. This irate dog continued to complain to the camera about its substandard treatment.

Apparently, this cute Bulldog was dissatisfied with his father’s lack of attention in recent weeks. He was too busy with work to provide his dog with the care and affection he required.

Seeing that his father was not responding as he had hoped, the disgruntled Bulldog continued his humorous act. To emphasize his point even further, he began muttering and barking simultaneously.

However, it appeared like Dad understood the dog’s emotions and what he was attempting to communicate. The father then apologized profusely for not allowing his son to sit on his lap for as long as he desired. However, the dog was quite persistent in gaining attention, as seen by his continued whining and growling.

Dad chose to elaborate on the cause of their current issue with the dog. Do you feel his beloved Bulldog comprehended his explanation? Or did he continue to whine and bark until he had what he desired?

Source: Rumble Viral


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