joolsthegreat (CC0), Pixabay

We heard about a four-year-old Boxer dog and his two-year-old blind youngster this week. It’s this touching tale of a father’s love and the bond that dogs create with one another.

Big Daddy is four years old and he is the father to his two-year-old son, Buddy. Buddy, who was born blind, had to rely on his father to help him navigate the world.

The pair of Boxers were taken to a shelter in North Carolina shortly after Buddy was born.

Big Daddy instinctively understood what he needed to do in the shelter to protect his son. The father Boxer was observed escorting the younger puppy around the facility. Buddy kept running into Big Daddy, reassuring himself that his father was there.

Shortly after arriving at the shelter, the pair of Boxers were adopted, but they were sadly returned.

Big Daddy and Buddy might really not get another chance to be adopted together, and this was the issue that the shelter workers were thinking of. It’s difficult to keep dogs together, especially when one of them is crippled.

The canines’ chances were further complicated by the fact that they were housed in a quite overcrowded shelter located in North Carolina. There were also plenty of other puppies up and available for adoption that had fewer issues.

Then came Flying Fur Animal Rescue to the rescue! The rescue organization’s founder is also a pilot by profession. He flew to North Carolina and picked up Buddy and his father, transporting them to New Jersey.

The Associated Humane Society Popcorn Park in New Jersey had plenty of room for the two Boxers. The shelter has stated that it would not separate the dogs and is actively seeking a permanent home for them.

Big Daddy’s attentiveness to his blind son has been noted by the shelter. Both canines were also known to be quite lovely and well-behaved. Buddy and Big Daddy are hoping to find a loving home soon.

Source: Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter


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