Engin_Akyurt (CC0), Pixabay

Amanda Damasiewicz joined the Navy in the fall of 1997. She has been serving her country for more than two decades and has been stationed in different locations: Japan, and Diego Garcia.

Joey, a retired Marine, told Amanda about the program of K9s for Warriors, a charity in the US. She was hesitant to fill out an application because she was afraid of being judged by those around her.

Amanda understood that as an active duty soldier, her family, friends, and coworkers would question her about getting a service dog that would follow her about. She decided to submit her application while she was at her lowest moment in life.

Amanda had trouble adjusting to a new life with a service dog by her side because she had no prior experience caring for a pet. She admitted that she wasn’t used to constantly caring for an animal.

The soldier recalled the first time she brought Lazer, her service dog, home with her. Civilians, military coworkers, and even Amanda had difficulty adjusting to having a dog that required to be with her at all times.

It was difficult for Amanda to answer questions from her family and coworkers regarding the rules of owning a service dog because she still hasn’t really fully accepted her situation. However, Amanda’s life became easier once she accepted her new life with a dog.

Amanda acknowledged that she was depressed and had suicidal thoughts on a regular basis. She tried suicide twice and slept on the floor or on the couch all the time, keeping an eye on the door for any enemies or intruders who may harm her.

Amanda stated that she has been able to recuperate from her traumas since Lazer entered her life. She was even able to sleep soundly in her bed, thanks to the dog.

Amanda claimed that her time in the Navy taught her to be self-sufficient and to resist help from others. She is now content since having her dog as a support system has improved her life.

Source: American Service Dogs Magazine


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