Brittany Turnbill is an Ohio resident who owns an eight-year-old Shih Tzu named Sugar. The pet owner completely adores her pooch and even introduces the pup as her daughter. She makes sure that the dog gets everything she needs. That is why when she noticed her pet had an ear infection, she immediately took her to a vet.

It would have just been a routine vet visit. But the vet made a crucial mistake. Instead of getting medication for the infection, the dog was given something else. And it was one that almost cost the adorable pup her life.

An emergency

Misplaced documents led the vet to believe that Sugar was brought to the clinic to be euthanized. She got accidentally injected with the lethal drug. By the time they realized that they had made a mistake, it was too late. Sugar was already in a coma.

The clinic staff informed Brittany of what happened and told her to take Sugar to an emergency clinic in Columbus. The pet owner was shocked and rushed her beloved pup to the clinic. She knew there was a high chance Sugar could die, so she was crying all the way to the animal hospital.

The medical team was already informed of the situation and was waiting for Brittany to arrive. Once they got there, Sugar was rushed to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and was hooked up to a ventilator. They needed to keep her hydrated and intubated.

The long wait

The emergency team told Brittany there was nothing they could do to reverse the effect of the deadly drug in her body. They now had to wait if her body could survive, especially for the first 24 hours.

Fortunately, Sugar managed to stay alive through the night. But her battle was not over yet. The vets said that it would take another 72 hours for the dog’s body to purge the drug thoroughly. There was still a large possibility that the pup might not make it.

Surprisingly, the dog started showing some promising results. After two days, she was strong enough to be taken off the ventilator. She also started moving but was still unconscious.

Three days after being rushed to the ICU, Sugar emerged from her coma. She beat all odds and survived. Brittany was so thankful to the medical staff, who ensured her pet would get well.

Source: Brittany Turnbill via


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