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Daisy, a six-year-old Chihuahua-Maltese mix, is an exception to the rule when it comes to backseat driving. Oliver, her driving companion, does not appear to mind that she frequently grabs the steering wheel from him. Oliver is confident enough in her to let her take the wheel from time to time, despite the fact that this gesture might irritate some people.

Daisy is not the only Chihuahua in Oliver’s home. She shares her home with five-year-old Donald.

Both dogs enjoy the companionship of Oliver. When the dogs hear Oliver chuckle, it’s as though they’re being rewarded for doing their job successfully – and that is to make sure that their owner is happy.

According to Oliver’s mother, the first word he ever spoke was “dog.” It appears that the young child really loves having two canine best buddies. It should come as no surprise that he enjoys spending time with the two Chihuahuas.

Oliver and Daisy embarked on a new journey after Daisy received a toy vehicle. It resembled a real one because it can be manually controlled. The seat can only hold one individual, therefore they must squeeze into it so they can ride it together.

One morning, with hands and paws on the steering wheel, they hopped in and took it for a ride.

Daisy was so thrilled to be in the automobile that she immediately took the wheel. As a conscientious driver, she kept her eyes on the road to prevent a collision. It appeared that the Chihuahua had complete control of the vehicle, but Oliver’s mother had the remote control. She adjusted the steering whenever necessary.

Oliver petted Daisy to express his satisfaction with her driving skills. It was like he was praising Daisy for a job well done.

Enjoy your ride, Oliver and Daisy!

Source: Rob Neto


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