Local LA rescue group Hope For Paws received an email about a dog living on a vacant property. It mentioned that the animal’s owner died 11 months ago. Sadly, the dog wouldn’t let anyone get close, so it was left behind alone on the premises.

The new owner of the home planned to sell it off. However, he needed the animal removed so realtors can inspect the place. Rescuers Katie McKittrick and JoAnn Wiltz immediately drove to the property to secure the dog.

The animal immediately greeted the women with anxious barking when they arrived. Katie tried to build trust with it by offering it food. The dog hungrily ate the pieces of chicken the rescuer tossed, but it still warned the women to stay away.

Katie cautiously entered the yard as the animal retreated to the front porch. JoAnn warned Katie to be careful as she continued trying to gain the dog’s trust. When the women realized that it won’t allow them to get close, they decided to go with their plan B.

The pair set up a trap and left it in the property’s yard. With the dog still feeling nervous about their presence, the women hid in their car and waited patiently for it to go for the bait. After 40 minutes, it finally triggered the trap.

Katie and JoAnn went back into the premises to calm the panicked animal. Once it quieted down, the women brought the dog to their vehicle. They then drove back to the CARES veterinary facility to have the animal checked.

On the way, they named the female dog Magic. Magic continued feeling nervous around people, so the rescuers needed to take it slow with her even after getting to CARES. Fortunately, though, Magic’s life is about to turn around for the better.

Magic received a clean bill of health and a much-needed bath at CARES before moving to the Little Red Dog, Inc as a foster. She didn’t stay long, though, as she successfully found her loving forever home after a short while. Magic now lives happily with her new family, enjoying the company of her new fur parents after sadly losing her previous one.

Credits: Hope For Paws


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