It can be difficult to exercise your dog when you’re stuck indoors. You may be tempted to try curling up on the couch with him and watch reruns all day, but this will not benefit you or him. All dogs need some kind of daily exercise, and “couch potato marathons” do not count. There are some great activities that are appropriate for indoors that you can implement into your pup’s rainy day. The following are a break down of 3.

Tug Of War

A favorite of many dogs, this game is really quite physically exhausting. Tug of War is definitely a majorly challenging game for your dog in both physicality and mental capacity. You also do not need a lot of space for this game, so it is a very beneficial game to play when you need to remain indoors.

All you need to begin is your dog’s attention and a toy to tug with. If you don’t have an actual toy handy, you could use a towel or even an old t-shirt.

Tugging is a fantastic way to exercise your dog, so long as he understands that the game stops if his teeth come into contact with your hand. This may be a challenge for younger pups to grasp at first, but if you practice consistency in letting them know their teeth touching your hand is inappropriate, they will pick up on the rule fairly quickly.

Contrary to a lot of people’s beliefs, this game will not bring out aggression in your dog, nor will allowing him to “win” make him more assertive. Allowing him to win will simply make it more enjoyable for him, and he will feel encouraged to play more. Research shows that dogs who play tug of war with their owners are exhibit higher levels of confidence and tend to be more obedient.

Chasing Bubbles

Another fun way to keep your pup occupied on rainy days is chasing bubbles. It is an easy way to keep your dog active and amused. Bubbles made specifically for dogs are available for purchase, but you could also buy any bubbles geared toward children as they are non-toxic.

Allowing your dog to chase after bubbles will keep you both entertained, and this can truly create a lot of physicality for him, giving him the exercise he’ll need for the day.

Indoor Fetch

If you have ample space in your home, a good, old-fashioned game of fetch can aid in keeping your dog active on a rainy day. In a game room, you could kick a ball around and let him chase after it, or you may want to use lightweight stuffed animals or soft objects.

Make sure you prevent anything from being tipped over by avoiding the use of any heavy or very large toys. Playing in the kitchen is not recommended.



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