Everybody knows that it is entertaining to play with dogs, but the things we don’t necessarily consider is just how critical play is to their general health. Play supplies benefits in emotional, physical, and social aspects for your dog. Not to mention, it is a fantastic stress-reliever.

The following are 5 reasons play is important for dogs.

Play Provides Physical Exercise

There is definitely some truth to the phrase “a good dog is a tired dog”. Dogs require physical exercise daily, and if these needs are not met, they may begin to develop destructive behaviors (like inappropriate chewing) to keep from boredom. If you are not capable of providing your dog with adequate exercise each day, you may add to it with some playtime at home.

Playing with your dog is a simple way to allow him more exercise every day. Games such as fetch, tug of war, and frisbee are physically demanding for dogs, and by including some quick sessions of these every day, you’ll establish a routine which will greatly benefit your dog with ample exercise.

Play Strengthens The Bond With Your Dog

Spending quality time with your dog is one of the most successful ways to strengthen the bond between you, and playing with him is an excellent example of this. There are not too many mammals who play into their elderly years, but dogs and humans do. This trait of playfulness we share with canines is a factor in what keeps the relationships we have with them so unique; it is difficult to keep from forming a profound bond when you can play, interact, and have fun with each other.

Research suggests that one of the largest factors in developing emotionally-based bonds with our dogs is playfulness, so if you are looking to further your emotional connection with your dog, playing with him is a great place to start.

Play Provides Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is yet another reason why play is crucial for dogs. Brain games, or mentally stimulating activities are an enjoyable way to enhance our dogs’ lives by allowing them meaningful exertion. Adding a few mentally challenging activities into your dog’s daily schedule along with physical exercise helps to avoid boredom. The helps avoid your dog’s likelihood of forming inappropriate behaviors like chewing or unwanted barking. Discover different brain games you might try with your dog; they are simple to play, and keep your dog entertained and active.

It’s a Fun Way to Train (and Improve Manners)

While playing with dogs is most certainly fun, it is also a wonderful opportunity to engage in some basic training and to improve your dog’s manners. Puppies being to learn the basics in manners right from the start – they’re likely to get nipped by a littermate or their mother if they are playing to roughly.

We can further this trend by participating in captivating interactive games with our dogs. Tug of war can help your dog learn to control his impulses and utilize a gentle mouth.

Play Relieves Boredom

The major benefit of playtime for dogs is the relief of boredom it produces. When a dog becomes bored, he may tend to participate in unwelcome behaviors, like chewing, excessive barking, or eliminating in the house.

You can diminish the chances of your dog resorting to these behaviors by simply adding in playtime to your dog’s daily routine. This gives him a purpose, and helps keep him entertained.

Discover which games you most enjoy and fit into your lifestyle, and spark up some fun with your pup!


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