Here is a heartwarming and inspiring story of how a stray puppy caught the attention of some rescuers and is now living its life to the fullest.

Gunnar, the puppy who was rescued, didn’t have a lot when the rescuers found him. In fact, he lived in a dirt heap surrounded by garbage. But despite his lack of a proper home, whenever Gunnar did have something to give, he would not hesitate to share it.

When some rescuers came along, they tried to lure him with some bread. What Gunnar did next was what melted their hearts.

Gunnar then wanted to break the bread into smaller portions so he can share it with the rescuers. As the rescuers describe Gunnar, he was still wagging his tail while eagerly wanting to share his bread despite having spent a week in a cold and dirty area.

When the rescuers took him in, he was brought to the vet to get checked and cleaned. Thankfully, he was deemed healthy to get into foster care. He stayed for about a week in foster care before his mom, Freya, took him and gave him a forever home.

When Freya brought him home, it was too evident that it was Gunnar’s first time entering a house and seeing a backyard with a lawn. He was curious about every corner of the house and wanted to discover everything.

Three years later, according to Freya, he is still the same sweet and energetic dog who loves to share. This time, he may not share bread anymore but he does love to share rocks whenever they are at the beach. As seen in the video, Gunnar carefully selects rocks that are perfect ones before he presents them to Freya.

It is definitely a true testament to Gunnar’s selfless and loving nature. His desire to make people happy by bringing them the perfect love inside of him is simply adorable!

Watch Gunnar’s heartwarming story in the video below.

Source: The Dodo via Youtube


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