A young Rottweiler challenging an older German Shepherd will most likely result in a fight. When that older dog happens to be an Alpha, you’ll need to brace yourself for an intense confrontation to happen.

Fortunately, that is not what onlookers saw when this German Shepherd decided to confront this Rottweiler.

But there’s more to it than that! This Rottie didn’t let the German Shepherd intimidate him at all, and he even showed his dog buddies how to deal with an Alpha dog.

First, he stood up against the Shepherd despite their age gap. Second, he barked loudly and didn’t let up on the growling.

The German Shepherd was probably shocked at this rookie’s behavior, but that earned the youngster this Alpha’s respect.


The encounter happened in front of a car, so could you imagine if the Shep engaged with the young Rottie? That car would have really taken the brunt of it, what with two huge dogs involved.

After some time, the Rottie continued to show the German Shepherd that he had what it takes to stand his ground.

He was not willing to back down at all, and instead of cowering somewhere in fear as most young pups would do, this dog held his own against this older German Shepherd.

The Shep responded by coming closer to check the young furball and let him know that this Alpha understood. He understood that the young one’s just trying to make his mark, which he did.

We’re glad that nothing scary happened because this wise German Shepherd knew how to differentiate a challenge versus a show of courage.

This story is a typical example of why young dogs get in trouble and learn the hard way.

Fortunately, this story ended in a chill manner, with the German Shepherd proceeding to eat the food scattered by the Rottie’s feet. Well done, doggos!

Credits to Josh Cobb via YouTube


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