Car accidents are more likely to happen in dogs than in humans. Some dogs can be very active once outside the house, and this could spell disaster when they zip around a neighborhood filled with speeding cars. Many drivers are not able to stop enough on time to avoid crashing into your dog. Also, dogs are fast at running, and some are small that some drivers may not notice them quickly.

Thus, for many dog owners car accidents can scar them and their dogs for life. Although it may happen in a dog’s life, owners should be prepared to act to help their dog in such situations. During the scene, it is best that you should take note of these steps:

Use a muzzle for your safety.

It may sound cruel to muzzle your dog during an accident but it is important for your safety. During the accident, your dog is under stress and can bite you at any moment. It is a natural response because your dog wants to protect itself while under danger. You should always put a muzzle on your dog whenever you do first-aid or carry them.

If you do not have a muzzle, you could make an improvised muzzle. Socks, belts, and clothing are good materials to use when making it. In making a muzzle using clothing, cover it around the dog’s snout and make a tie under the jaw, making sure that the tie is secure but does not hurt your dog. Then with the remaining length of the cloth, make a tie around the back of the dog’s neck.

Check for signs of bleeding, fractures, etc.

After putting a muzzle on your dog, you should check for signs of bleeding, fractures, and other damages that your dog might have. This is necessary because it can provide early information on what treatments the dog should have. It can also help in conducting first-aid to your dog while help is on the way.

Reduce the bleeding.

If your dog is bleeding due to the wounds, you should reduce the bleeding by applying an even pressure from the affected area. To do this, apply a sterile gauze or clean clothing on the wound and tie it in place to apply pressure. When the gauze is soaked, do not remove it to avoid infections. Instead, add another layer of gauze or clothing.

Be careful of bone fractures.

Bone fractures are common when your dog is directly hit by the car. When you see signs of limping or pain in other areas of the body, then you should be careful in carrying or assisting your dog. A good way to carry your dog is by using a large cloth as a makeshift stretcher, depending on its size. If you are able to carry your dog by yourself, make sure to do it with the least movement possible to reduce your dog’s stress.

During or after first-aid it is best that you call a veterinary clinic, so that by the time the ambulance arrives your dog is ready to be transported to the clinic. If you’re transporting it to the clinic, make sure to calm it down. Also, movements from the vehicle should be reduced as much as possible to avoid discomfort to your dog. Once at the clinic, the staff will be able to guide you to the proper procedures and treatments. They’ll discuss the situation and the included expenses for treatment.

If you want to prevent future car accidents to your dog, here are some points to remember:

Be attentive.

Always pay attention to where your dog is going at all times. Keeping your dog under a leash is better than letting it loose around the neighborhood.

Be the authority while you and your dog are outside.

Some dogs will disobey their owners once they’re let loose. You should let your dog know that they still have limits while outside the house. This does not mean you should abuse your dog for every mistake made. A simple scolding is enough to teach them, or a help from an animal expert is good.

Walk your dog.

If your dog is always excited during walks, you should do it more often. This will reduce their energy rather than staying in the house all day. Dogs can become explosive when not taken for walks for a long time.

Car accidents can be frightening to many dog owners, yet proper composure during the situation can mean life or death to the dogs. Thus, it is best to learn the ways of handling such situations. Owners can also prevent these accidents by simply being attentive to their dogs at all times.


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