Golden Labrador Retrievers are considered a popular house pet. They are known for their loyalty to owners and families, as well as their gentle behavior and quiet courage.

This Golden Labrador named Zazu is one of them. He’s the calm one who perfectly balances out his brother Walle’s energy. Together, these two make their little family a happy one.

However, like many other dogs, Zazu has some issues he needs to work on. And with Walle around, these issues can become quite a bit more difficult to address.

One of those issues is Zazu’s fear of heights. He lives in a house that has a balcony, and while the views are stunning, the pet couldn’t enjoy them because of his fear.

Fortunately for him, his family’s supportive and loving. The whole gang came up with a brilliant plan to help their golden boy conquer his fear.

Smart training

First, they employed the ever-energetic Walle. He quickly went to the balcony and dad gave him a little tidbit as a reward.

Then, dad called Zazu to come get his treat, strategically placing the snack at the very edge of the second-floor railing.

Zazu knew he had to get that treat, but for him, the balcony was SO high up. It’s not like his own backyard where there are no great heights to be seen.

This view of the garden below might as well have been on Mars. So, Zazu tried to approach the railing without being too scared. He was able to, but he was extremely iffy about the whole experience.

Walle tried to snatch the snacks that were meant for Zazu, but dad and mom’s actions prevented him from doing it successfully.

All family members helped Zazu by rewarding his every step towards getting over his fears. A little positive reinforcement does work!

Credits to Zazu Talks via YouTube


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